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Writing & Publishing

Coaching & Consulting

Write from the Heart

This is how you create impact in a noisy world. This is how you make a difference.

From the depth of my experience as Author-Writer-Publisher, Spiritual Guide, and Quantum Healer,

I guide you to:

Become a better writer. Cultivate your authentic voice. Know yourself better. 


My mission? Better writing, better writers. Real connection is the way forward. I help you share your message and your light.

My clients? High vibrational, heart-frequency writers, creatives, healing practitioners, and entrepreneurs.  

Choose the best option for you.


Book a 1-hour session with me for Writing and Publishing Coaching and Consulting.

In this hour, you choose the service best for you at the time.
  • valuable feedback, insight into the publishing process specific to your unique needs. I'll answer all your questions, provide resources, etc. 
  • manuscript critiques, developmental editing, and copy editing.
  • clarify and explore your message through Conscious Conversation (Transcripts provided from our recorded conversation)
  • Clear mental, emotional, and physical blocks. I work with you energetically and intuitively to help you find your voice and liberate your message. 
  • Develop a plan for publishing. What is your goal? I'll guide you through options for launching, marketing, networking, and platforms. 

Deep Dive Package

Purchase a block of 10 hours to receive maximum value. Writing and publishing coaching and consulting services.

All these services are available with your package. 

  • manuscript critiques, developmental editing, and copy editing.
  • clarify and explore your message through Conscious Conversation (Transcripts provided from our recorded conversation)
  • Clear mental, emotional, and physical blocks. I work with you energetically and intuitively to help you find your voice and liberate your message. 
  • Develop a plan for publishing. What is your goal? I'll guide you through options for launching, marketing, networking, and platforms. 
  • Q&A. Get valuable answers and feedback, insight into the publishing process specific to your unique needs. I'll answer all your questions, provide resources, etc. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How does appointment scheduling work?

When you've completed purchasing, you'll log in to your coaching/consulting account and schedule time with me.

Is it possible to buy coaching more than once?

For sure! You simply need to purchase coaching again and will be able to get access to another set of coaching sessions.

How do I set up Consulting & Services with you?

If you are interested in Consulting & Services, let's have a call first to make sure it is a good fit for both of us.

If your project and needs meet my criteria, you'll purchase the best option for you. Then we will have a call to go over the project details, timelines, etc.

I am very selective in the kinds of books/writing/projects I work on.

My primary niches are spirituality, wellness, wholeness, healing, philosophy, earth/gardening, metaphysics, poetry, and inspirational.